Knit With Me
My First Knitted Jumper Workshop - Starting Tuesday 18th February 6pm-8pm (please read Workshop Session Dates tab for information)
Please note that the first session is on a Thursday, the following 4 sessions are on a Wednesday. Dates can be found in the Workshops Session Dates tab.
Want to knit your first jumper?? Woohoo! Excellent! You are in the right place and I am very excited.
This course is perfect for people who have never knitted a jumper before or who have, but want to be guided through the process in a fun and social setting with other knitters. We just need you to know how to cast-on, knit, purl and cast-off whilst being able to knit in the round comfortably using circular needles.
The pattern we follow is the PetitKnits Novice Jumper which is a basic top down yoke jumper knitted in the round. The course runs over 5 x two hour sessions. See Workshop Session Dates tab for specific dates. We have two weeks between Session 1 and 2 to allow you to find and purchase your yarn and swatch with it. Then there is one week between the other sessions.
The pattern is included in the price of the workshop, along with videos we put together so you can refer back to them which you make your second jumper (because once you start its difficult to stop!).
Week 1:
We go over yarn choices and how to knit a gauge swatch and decide on needle sizes. We also discuss how to choose which size to knit. You then have two weeks to choose and purchase your yarn, create a gauge swatch.
Week 2:
Cast-on time! We will discuss some cast-on methods and what we need from our cast on for this jumper. If you do not know the cast-on technique used, don't worry, we will teach you. We start knitting the neck portion of the jumper and also practice the increase technique instructed in the pattern for the yoke portion. You now know everything you need to knit down to your boobs (males or female boobs), yippee.
Week 3:
We separate the arms from the body and learn how to put the arm stitches on hold and rejoin the body in the round. If you are not yet at this point with your own jumper you will be able to learn the techniques using practice materials in class sp please don't worry if life has got in the way.
Week 4:
We pop the live arm stitches back on the needles and join these to the underarm potion of the body before continuing to knit. If you are not yet at this point with your own jumper you will be able to learn the techniques using practice materials in class. Depending on timing we can also start to go over some casting off techniques for the sweater.
Week 5:
We made it! Session 5! Depending on what was covered last week we may go over casting off techniques this week. We also learn about finishing off a jumper by sewing in ends and pulling any small holes under the arm area closed. And there you have it!! Everything you need to know to finish your first knitted jumper! AMAZING!
Important information - Please Read
The workshop takes place upstairs in the store which is accessed via a spiral staircase.
We need a minimum of 3 bookings for this course to go ahead. If we do not meet the minimum 4 days before the workshop you will be offered a new date or a refund.
Due to the small numbers of spaces please let us know as soon as possible if you can no longer attend as a refund can only be offered if we are able to fill your space.